Empowered Woman.
“Empowered Women Empower Women” - Betty Dain
I am living example of how self awareness, dedication and consistency can not only heal your trauma wounds but transform your life.
I hope that sharing my story and my journey of inner power, self love and empowerment, offers a guiding light to whoever is reading. I hope my truth not only it helps you, but inspires you on your own path of empowerment and growth.
You too have the power to transform your life!
You are powerful. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worthy of your dreams.

Why We Are Ditching 'New Year, New Me' for Nature's Soul Aligned Timeline
As we stand on the threshold of 2025, surrounded by the familiar chorus of "new year, new me" declarations, dont get caught up in the hype! Our calendars may mark January 1st as the start of a new cycle, nature tells a different story, one that resonates more deeply with our inner wisdom. In nature's calendar, the true new year begins in spring. Look outside your window now: the trees stand bare, creatures hibernate, and the earth lies dormant beneath winter's quiet blanket. If you're feeling stagnant or struggling to embrace the "new year" energy, you're not alone. You're simply in tune with the natural world's rhythm.

From Grinch to Glowing: Overcoming Jealousy and Finding Fulfilment This Festive Season
The holiday season is painted as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many, it stirs up feelings of comparison, jealousy, and even a touch of "grinchy" resentment. Scrolling through social media or hearing about others' seemingly perfect lives can make you feel like you’re missing out. But what if these feelings were actually an invitation to create a deeper connection with yourself and your desires?
Sisterhood's Sacred Call: Awakening Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times
What drew me to writing about this was speaking at Soul Speaks Business Retreat in Brighton last weekend held by my mentor Laura Beddoe Collins. What happened in that space for me was the exact depiction of what history has been whispering to us for generations, the importance of divine feminine connections and in fact the magic that is created in those spaces. I am not the same woman I was upon entering the vortex we created I can assure you. And in fact I had this knowing even before I entered the event as I curated my FREE webinar Ascend into Divine Feminine Leadership: Overcome Self-Sabotage to Inspire with Integrity intuitively as I felt this shift coming. So the webinar I did deliver this week had extra potency due to the application of the energy I absorbed and embodied during that sacred union of the divine feminines in the room!

Ascend into Divine Feminine Leadership: Overcome Self-Sabotage and Inspire with Integrity
Too many of us spend years playing small, allowing self-doubt to hold us back from shining. Whether it's questioning our worth or feeling like we’re never enough, the truth is: you deserve to take up space. It’s time to step into your power and live unapologetically!
I remember my own struggle when I was building my career in the dance industry and my life in general. I pushed so hard to be seen, yet even when I landed the biggest job of my career, I still questioned whether I was worthy of it. I wish I could have told my younger self: "You deserve to be seen. You deserve to shine." Let alone how I spent years shapeshifting into what I thought society wanted me to be and let me tell you that alone crippled me at times! The moment I began my healing journey I gave myself the permission to be the real me and honestly, that raw, honest, in perfect me was the me people actually wanted to see.

All-In on Me: Trusting the Universe and Expanding My Horizons in the Land of the Free
The most amazing thing about our Mansion in Malibu was the fact that I always visualise what my future self looks like, where she stays etc, and everything I had been manifesting and dreaming of was literally that Mansion! To see your manifestations in real life, I cant even put into words the fulfilment and joy that I anchored in to my body during that time! Not to mention we arrived the night of the Super Full Moon in Pisces and we ate dinner bathing in the moonlight listening to the sound of the pacific ocean crash against the shore.

The Power of Commitment to Yourself: How you do one thing is how you do everything!
At its core, commitment to yourself is about honoring your promises, fostering self-respect, and embracing the journey toward personal growth and empowerment. As I always say how we do one thing is how we do everything so if you are finding you are attracting flaky friends, non comital partners and still not getting that promotion, thats all a refection of the commitment you have to yourself!

33 Things I’ve Learnt at 33
You know what, every year I used to feel a subconscious fear of my birthday. From years of over giving and people pleasing for everyone else. I used to fear if people would offer me the same amount of care and attention I gave in return and you know what, everyone did the best they could, but it didn’t always meet MY expectation. Thats the key part, MY expectations were not met because I wasn’t filling my own cup! I was expecting all the pouring out I had consistently done to come back to me and it didn’t. Until, this year as a result of releasing my expectations and being in receiving mode!

🦁 Roar into Your Authentic Power this Leo Season 🔥Integrity and Self-Actualisation in the Lion's Den
In this blog I want to share with you what self actualisation is and how being self actualised is integral to standing and owning your power, which is what Leo Season is all about!

The Dating Dilemma: Why Strong, Independent Women Struggle to Find Mr. Right
I am in no way shape or form going to tell you to lower your standards, accept less than what you deserve or tell you the bloody awful line we get all the time “you’re too much”. - To the wrong people you will always be too much but to the right people you wont, BUT if you are not open to receive, guess what love has no way to enter into your life.

Healing your Inner Child to receive the abundance you deserve
I am about to turn 33. The pandemic hit when I was 28. That rude awakening forced me to address trauma that had been stored in my body for those 28 years, so to say it hit me like a tsunami would be an understatement. I was suffocated by my emotions. Emotions that I had continuously pushed down throughout the corse of my life. I kept myself busy in a loop of striving for perfectionism because focusing on being perfect stoped me from being present. But that year, 2020, I got to face every part of me. For the first time in my whole life I got to connect back to my inner child and ask her how she felt and what she needed and boy it was heartbreaking!

Victim to Victor
This one isn’t for the faint hearted and I may trigger a few of you - thats not my intention. My intension is you read this, identify with it and choose to take inspired action.
We’ve all been there and or will visit there some point in our lives but what we can't do is, move in and build a home there, which a lot of people have because it feels safe and familiar. What I’m referring to is Victimhood lane.

Drop your shield
Drop your shield because you dont have to prove yourself to anyone! The moment you release the need to DO you allow yourself to BE and that is where the Goddess within you is reborn. She’s been waiting to be set free and only you hold the key. She cant get out with you shield blocking the way!
Drop your shield because you are beautiful and successful enough as you are. When you allow yourself to be you allow the universe to work through you. No more force, but ease.

Risk taking and Integrating
There was a time in my life where I would ignore my intuition, I would bypass it in order to achieve more or to work harder! Now I pride myself in my deep understanding of myself, I have spent the past 4 years diving deep into my subconscious patterns. I can hand on heart say I know who I am 100% and from that knowing, I can decipher what would be the best choice for me to make. However, there is always a risk involved especially when it comes to doing something differently and breaking out of my comfort zone.

Turn Procrastination to Productivity!
So many people come to me with this issue! Some call it feeling unmotivated, some say its having no accountability, I say its a lack of self trust but ultimately its procrastination.
Procrastination is where we do everything but the thing we know we should be doing/need to do. Find yourself scrolling aimlessly? Or cleaning extra when you know you should actually be filling out an application? Making a snack when you said you were going to the gym? Sound familiar?
Your body is talking to you
As I always say we are the main character of our story. Our body is literally the book that binds all of our story together, treat it with care and respect especially when you have so much more to write.
What happen to you is your story, what you choose to do with it is your manual, what you create from it is your legacy!

Closing out old cycles
Of course as it is now the new astrological year, the past week we have been closing out the old year and along with it the old identity we were carrying. I dont know about you but I was super emotional the past weekend and that was because the Moon was in Cancer, the nurturing Mother of the zodiac. As well as that, Chrion the wounded healer was around which means that the astrology was promoting old wounds to come to the surface to be released.

Surrender is the most deepest act of feminine energy because its full trust in oneself and to the outcome/Universe/God/Source energy. I know this may sound contradictory to my previous point about each energy holding control but I believe both being in deep surrender out weighs control. We can live in the feminine energy of a softer approach to control and or we can be fully released from it. What is important to remember is that each reaction, behaviour and energy state has an importance and we can not eradicate any of it.

Full circles from purpose
Hosting my event got me thinking about full circles, cycles and alignment as ultimately that is what my life as been. I would never be able to do that I do now without having gone through all the hardships I faced in my life and, all of the healing I have exposed myself to over the years. I say exposed because most people turn a blind eye to healing, they avoid anything that forces them to change and break out of what they know as normal not realising that is creating a false sense of safety and mundanity that ultimately leaves you feeling stuck - yes its that keeping you stuck! You are supposed to evolve and grow just like nature. If a tree refused to grow it would never bare fruit, you are exactly the same, the safety you have created in your life in preventing you from reaching your full potential. Your full bloom.

Self Empowerment and Prioritising Consistency!
Now, since doing the main bulk of healing and really clearing away so much hard stuff what I know self empowerment to be is that feeling of feeling grounded in who I am, and knowing who I am, and not needing to prove myself because of it. Now that does take time to get there, and when I say time, I mean practice and daily choices. And this is where the word consistency plays a massive part for me , because there is no way that I would have ever achieved self-empowerment if I hadn't been consistent in my daily practices.

New year MORE you!
When I refer to being “more you” what I am referring to is your authentic self, not the version of you you have become to fit in with society, to please your family or, the version of yourself that you thought you had to be. I am speaking about the you within, the you that has been dying to be set free, the you that is passionate about something, the you that knows they are worthy and deserving of more. - That you!