Empowered Woman.
“Empowered Women Empower Women” - Betty Dain
I am living example of how self awareness, dedication and consistency can not only heal your trauma wounds but transform your life.
I hope that sharing my story and my journey of inner power, self love and empowerment, offers a guiding light to whoever is reading. I hope my truth not only it helps you, but inspires you on your own path of empowerment and growth.
You too have the power to transform your life!
You are powerful. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worthy of your dreams.

Navigating the Void: Trusting Yourself in the Space Between
There’s a space between who you were and who you are becoming. A sacred, yet deeply unsettling void where everything feels uncertain, yet ripe with infinite potential. Maybe you’ve taken a bold leap—left a job, walked away from a relationship, or finally said yes to your next-level desires. Or perhaps, you’ve set powerful manifestations in motion, yet find yourself waiting in that awkward, in-between space where nothing seems to be happening.
This is the void. And it is here to teach you the art of trust. I know the uncertainty drives you crazy, I do, I live in this space often, but the more you visit this space it becomes more familiar (but never comfortable!)

Soul-Led vs. Ego-Led: How Are You Leading Your Life?
Throughout history, spirituality and religion have been used as pathways to enlightenment and self-discovery. But let’s be honest—many have also used them as a means to bypass deep wounds, avoid accountability, and mask toxic character traits.
Some of the very people who claim spiritual attainment are actually operating from their ego, disguising superiority as wisdom. They preach love and light while projecting their unhealed pain onto others. They reject criticism under the guise of being "high vibrational" rather than doing the real work of healing and self-awareness.

From Grinch to Glowing: Overcoming Jealousy and Finding Fulfilment This Festive Season
The holiday season is painted as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many, it stirs up feelings of comparison, jealousy, and even a touch of "grinchy" resentment. Scrolling through social media or hearing about others' seemingly perfect lives can make you feel like you’re missing out. But what if these feelings were actually an invitation to create a deeper connection with yourself and your desires?

Embracing the Shadow: A Scorpio Season Guide to the Underworld
Like Persephone descending into Hades' realm, we all must journey into our personal underworld during Scorpio season. As the veil between worlds thins and autumn leaves spiral downward, we're called to explore the depths of our psyche – where our deepest fears, most potent desires, and transformative powers reside.

Ascend into Divine Feminine Leadership: Overcome Self-Sabotage and Inspire with Integrity
Too many of us spend years playing small, allowing self-doubt to hold us back from shining. Whether it's questioning our worth or feeling like we’re never enough, the truth is: you deserve to take up space. It’s time to step into your power and live unapologetically!
I remember my own struggle when I was building my career in the dance industry and my life in general. I pushed so hard to be seen, yet even when I landed the biggest job of my career, I still questioned whether I was worthy of it. I wish I could have told my younger self: "You deserve to be seen. You deserve to shine." Let alone how I spent years shapeshifting into what I thought society wanted me to be and let me tell you that alone crippled me at times! The moment I began my healing journey I gave myself the permission to be the real me and honestly, that raw, honest, in perfect me was the me people actually wanted to see.

All-In on Me: Trusting the Universe and Expanding My Horizons in the Land of the Free
The most amazing thing about our Mansion in Malibu was the fact that I always visualise what my future self looks like, where she stays etc, and everything I had been manifesting and dreaming of was literally that Mansion! To see your manifestations in real life, I cant even put into words the fulfilment and joy that I anchored in to my body during that time! Not to mention we arrived the night of the Super Full Moon in Pisces and we ate dinner bathing in the moonlight listening to the sound of the pacific ocean crash against the shore.

The Power of Commitment to Yourself: How you do one thing is how you do everything!
At its core, commitment to yourself is about honoring your promises, fostering self-respect, and embracing the journey toward personal growth and empowerment. As I always say how we do one thing is how we do everything so if you are finding you are attracting flaky friends, non comital partners and still not getting that promotion, thats all a refection of the commitment you have to yourself!