From Grinch to Glowing: Overcoming Jealousy and Finding Fulfilment This Festive Season

From Grinch to Glowing: Overcoming Jealousy and Finding Fulfillment This Festive Season

The holiday season is painted as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many- if not all of us-it stirs up feelings of comparison, jealousy, and even a touch of "grinchy" resentment. Scrolling through social media or hearing about others' seemingly perfect lives can make you feel like you’re missing out. But what if these feelings were actually an invitation to create a deeper connection with yourself and your desires?

And remember EVERYONE is just sharing their good bits!

If you’ve caught yourself slipping into grinch mode this festive season, don’t worry, you’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to define your festivities. Let’s explore how you can move from jealousy to fulfillment and glow into the new year with grace.

(I do want to say in Brenè Brown’s book ‘Atlas of the Heart’, she breaks down human emotions and feelings into sections and sub sections. In her book she describes Jealousy as wanting something instead or someone and Envy as not wanting the thing for yourself but the idea of it).

1. Embrace the Grinch Within

Feeling like a grinch? Good. It means you're human. Jealousy often signals unmet desires or deeper emotions asking for your attention. Instead of shaming yourself for feeling this way, lean into it with curiosity. I’ll be honest with you prior to my healing journey I was so envious of everyone, my friends in relationships, my friends getting promotions, my friends without trauma! But as soon as I began my healing journey, I was able to see that the deeper meaning of my envy came from the root of feeling unworthy and undeserving of having the things I desired. If this resonates ask yourself:

  • What does this feeling reveal about my deeper desires?

  • Am I holding onto unrealistic expectations of myself or others?

  • How can I show myself more compassion right now?

The first step to glowing is acknowledging the shadows you’re working through and embracing them. I always say knowledge is power and when we understand ourselves - when we are self aware - thats the first step to self mastery! AKA shining like a disco ball!

2. Reclaim Your Festive Focus

Jealousy/Envy thrives when we focus outward, comparing our lives to others. This season, shift your focus inward. Instead of dwelling on what you don’t have, reconnect with what brings you joy:

  • Limit social media time to avoid comparison traps. - I know you want to scroll in the gaps but be present, take lots of photos but maybe upload them another day? Their is so much happing off our gadgets, soak in the festive air! Like…

  • Create small, meaningful moments that feel festive to you, whether it’s sipping hot cocoa by the fire or dancing in your living room!

  • Reflect on your unique wins from the year, big or small, and celebrate them. This is something I focus on with my clients, success isn’t just accolades or tangible things sometimes its saying No to something you would have said yes too, the moments you put yourself first or even took yourself on a coffee date!

Remember: your version of a magical holiday doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.

3. Gratitude as Your Glow-Up Tool

Jealousy/Envy dims your light on the vibrational emotional score it is one of the lowest forms of vibrational frequency you can feel but gratitude will reignite it (its one of the highest frequencies just under love!). Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, no matter how small. A few ideas to get started:

  • Write down three things you’re thankful for before bed.

  • Send a heartfelt message to someone who’s positively impacted your life this year.

  • Focus on the abundance in your life: health, friendships, opportunities—and let it fill you up.

  • Create a vision board with the things you loved from this year and what you want more of for next year!

Gratitude shifts your energy from lack to love, helping you glow from within, as I always say you are a mirror to your universe, how you feel inwardly is what is projected outwardly!

4. Give the Gift of Generosity

Feeling jealous stems from feeling like you’re lacking something. One of the most powerful ways to combat this is to give to others, but only from pure intention, otherwise you end up feeling resentful!

Acts of generosity, whether it’s volunteering, giving thoughtful gifts, or simply offering your time will remind you of the abundance you already have to share, this is something I practice often. This shift in perspective transforms the “grinchy” mindset into one of fulfilment and connection, you see the value you bring to others which fills you up from the inside out!

5. Set Intentions for Your Glow-Up

Jealousy/Envy often highlights what you really want and how I like to look at it is, when I see others reciving the things I would like myself I take this as a sign that my manifestation is on the way! I believe when one person wins we all win! Use this awareness to set empowering intentions for the new year. Instead of comparing your journey to others, focus on aligning with your own desires:

  • What do you truly want to feel in your life? (Peace, joy, connection? Thats the secret to manifesting, the feeling)

  • How can you take one small step toward that vision? You need to take aligned action!

  • Who do you want to become in the year ahead? A woman who accomplishes her goals and brings light and wisdom wherever she goes, because thats what I manifested last year and I’m now living it!

When you approach the new year with clarity and purpose, you naturally start to shine brighter.

6. Let Me Support Your Journey

If you’re ready to leave grinch mode behind and step into the version of yourself who glows with confidence, fulfilment, and ease, I’m here to guide you. Together, we’ll silence self-doubt, unlock your inner power, and create the life you truly desire.

This festive season, let’s make a shift. If you’re ready to reclaim your light and step into the new year as your most radiant self, contact me today. Whether it’s through my 1:1 sessions, my 6 week program, or a simple conversation, I’m here to support your transformation, having the support of someone that knows how your feeling and HOW to get through it is worth its weight in gold, I wouldn’t have achieved a lot of my goals this year without the support of my mentors!

The festive season doesn’t need to be a time of comparison or resentment!

Embrace your feelings, shift your focus inward, and intentionally create your own glow, you can transform jealousy into joy.

So, are you ready to move from grinch to glowing?

Your brightest, most fulfilled self is waiting for you to step into the light!

Happy festive season,

Love and light,


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