Empowered Woman.
“Empowered Women Empower Women” - Betty Dain
I am living example of how self awareness, dedication and consistency can not only heal your trauma wounds but transform your life.
I hope that sharing my story and my journey of inner power, self love and empowerment, offers a guiding light to whoever is reading. I hope my truth not only it helps you, but inspires you on your own path of empowerment and growth.
You too have the power to transform your life!
You are powerful. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worthy of your dreams.

From Grinch to Glowing: Overcoming Jealousy and Finding Fulfilment This Festive Season
The holiday season is painted as a time of joy and celebration, yet for many, it stirs up feelings of comparison, jealousy, and even a touch of "grinchy" resentment. Scrolling through social media or hearing about others' seemingly perfect lives can make you feel like you’re missing out. But what if these feelings were actually an invitation to create a deeper connection with yourself and your desires?

Self Empowerment and Prioritising Consistency!
Now, since doing the main bulk of healing and really clearing away so much hard stuff what I know self empowerment to be is that feeling of feeling grounded in who I am, and knowing who I am, and not needing to prove myself because of it. Now that does take time to get there, and when I say time, I mean practice and daily choices. And this is where the word consistency plays a massive part for me , because there is no way that I would have ever achieved self-empowerment if I hadn't been consistent in my daily practices.

New year MORE you!
When I refer to being “more you” what I am referring to is your authentic self, not the version of you you have become to fit in with society, to please your family or, the version of yourself that you thought you had to be. I am speaking about the you within, the you that has been dying to be set free, the you that is passionate about something, the you that knows they are worthy and deserving of more. - That you!

Navigating the festive season
This time of year is crazy isn’t it. I think every single person I know is overwhelmed to some degree whether its excitement or dread! - Also doesn’t help that we are currently in Mercury Retrograde too so communication, technology and transportation are all over the shop!

The V we are all addicted to …
For today’s blog I want to talk about validation. It is something that we all crave for in some form of way. Whether it’s external or internal; through the way we look, how we show up and or how hard we work, in some form of a way, each and everyone of us is craving validation.