Empowered Woman.
“Empowered Women Empower Women” - Betty Dain
I am living example of how self awareness, dedication and consistency can not only heal your trauma wounds but transform your life.
I hope that sharing my story and my journey of inner power, self love and empowerment, offers a guiding light to whoever is reading. I hope my truth not only it helps you, but inspires you on your own path of empowerment and growth.
You too have the power to transform your life!
You are powerful. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worthy of your dreams.

Embracing the Shadow: A Scorpio Season Guide to the Underworld
Like Persephone descending into Hades' realm, we all must journey into our personal underworld during Scorpio season. As the veil between worlds thins and autumn leaves spiral downward, we're called to explore the depths of our psyche – where our deepest fears, most potent desires, and transformative powers reside.
Your body is talking to you
As I always say we are the main character of our story. Our body is literally the book that binds all of our story together, treat it with care and respect especially when you have so much more to write.
What happen to you is your story, what you choose to do with it is your manual, what you create from it is your legacy!

Closing out old cycles
Of course as it is now the new astrological year, the past week we have been closing out the old year and along with it the old identity we were carrying. I dont know about you but I was super emotional the past weekend and that was because the Moon was in Cancer, the nurturing Mother of the zodiac. As well as that, Chrion the wounded healer was around which means that the astrology was promoting old wounds to come to the surface to be released.

Surrender is the most deepest act of feminine energy because its full trust in oneself and to the outcome/Universe/God/Source energy. I know this may sound contradictory to my previous point about each energy holding control but I believe both being in deep surrender out weighs control. We can live in the feminine energy of a softer approach to control and or we can be fully released from it. What is important to remember is that each reaction, behaviour and energy state has an importance and we can not eradicate any of it.