See Yourself in My Story: A Journey of Healing and Self Discovery

Have you ever felt like you were living two lives, the one the world sees and the one you quietly endure? In my upcoming book, I share the raw, unfiltered story of my journey from burnout and self-neglect to empowerment and self-discovery. This blog offers you a taste of that transformation, a glimpse into how I moved from darkness into my light. Whether you've faced similar struggles or are simply curious about uncovering your inner strength, this is for you. You might just see yourself in my story, and with it, a roadmap to your own healing.

Please do tell me your thoughts and if you relate. We are in this journey of life together, through reading this section you automatically become a part of my movement and as a part of my movement I want you to know that you are valued, worthy and deserving of the life of your dreams. I can show you how…


My whole life, I have always known I was supposed to write a book. I didn’t actually think it would be just yet but the universe has sent me so many signs, from conversations with friends and random people, to reading and hearing other books that relate to my life story and healing journey. In fact so many signs that I couldn’t not answer this call! - I’ve done that before many a time as you will read and well it was disastrous, but evidently, necessary in guiding me to where I needed to get to and into who I have needed to become.

I actually feel very emotional, I am sitting in my family home, in my dressing gown, with my favourite coffee made from my coffee machine (the will make sense later). I have just listened to a voice note from one of my best friends, and I guess I am feeling overwhelmed. It’s funny because I don’t feel like at this point in time my life externally, showcases my full and highest celling, but what I do know is my internal world is completely different and it is ever evolving. More than anything I know and feel with every fibre of my being I was put on this earth to break generational cycles and forge a new pathway for the greater good and I am going to go as far as saying humanity. I have actually always felt that I was meant for more. The problem was I didn’t understand my full potential, I was too wrapped up in being digestible for others, to not be too much or a show off, but now I think f**k that, if I’m too much you can choke #sorrynotsorry!

I guess that is really it, the reason I am writing this book is because I re wrote my own story. I didn’t let what had happened in my life define me, I refused to own the status of broken or victim, I chose to transmute my pain into power (what I like to call alchemy) and gave myself the god damn permission to SHINE!!!

And on that, it is a constant daily choice and practice. Within this book, along with my story, I will share with you the tools and practices I have used myself and with my clients that have continued to guide us out of our own darkness and into the light.

As a disclaimer, life is filled with polarity, you’ll read that over and over within this book. The purpose of this book is for you to find, be and live in the light, but in order to truly alchemise you must befriend the darkness. Everything has a purpose, especially the hard stuff as you’ll read through my story. What I know for sure is from rock bottom, the only way to build is up. I have been there so many times in my life that I have forged a solid indestructible ladder that gets me out every time, because healing isn’t linear, the shadows will always re appear, having the tools to navigate through them is the greatest asset you can have. Because the only way out, ever, is through.

If you follow my tools and practices, consistently you will be met with difficult conversations, identity shifts, you may even loose some people along the way, but I promise you with every fibre of my being that you will emerge the other side of this as the butterfly you were born to be, free, bright and shining.

Trauma gate I - Being a “good girl”

I will say at this point, my trauma is very layered, but everything I share in this book is to help you understand, (as I had to understand myself), why I am the way I am. From this understanding and knowing I have been able to heal my wounds and own my scars with pride. The first few years after I began my healing journey, I wore my scars as a badge of honour to showcase all of the battles I had endured and won. Now, the journey is to lead as Sherisse the free spirit and not the wounded yet proud solider, that in itself is a battle all on its own. To let go of everything that once defined me, to give myself the permission to soften, surrender and just be instead of do, to allow my feminine energy to lead - which I will go into more later on.

What I know for sure is we can’t skip any part of healing, there is no short cut or cheat code, you have to keep going through and through and through.

I feel like my inner world, my head space was a treacherous rainforest filled with deep waters, intense heat, ropes to climb, creatures to befriend and bridges to build over vast creaks. And on the other side. Paradise. A utopia I would never have known existed if I did not choose to overcome, if I hadn’t chosen to dive in.

I always believed there was more for me. I always knew I had to go through what I did for a reason and now, I can see clearly that reason was to guide others out of their wilderness and into their paradise, out of the darkness and into the light.

But, please don’t think for one second in paradise there isn’t storms, creatures and obstacles, there is, but the difference is the space between. That space between was created through the going through; dismantling my limiting beliefs, other peoples opinions and expectations and the amour that I took off. Responsibility is heavy, expectation is heavy, fear is heavy and combined they create a dense wall. But as I unpacked and unlearned I could see the wall was in fact a stepping stone and if I didn’t go through, in, and forward, the wall would have always seemed too big of an obstacle to overcome.

There is thousands of intersections that have played out in my life but the origins all lead from my wounded inner child space. My inner child never felt chosen, seen, understood or valued and so I took it upon myself to create those realities for myself, unfortunately, from a wounded space. My ego consumed my logical mind and numbed my emotions as a measure of survival, I am grateful to my ego for getting me through the most difficult moments in my life, but as we know is too much of anything isn’t a good thing.

Inner child healing in summery is reparenting yourself. Giving yourself what you did not receive as a child. It can be as simple as welcoming more play into your life or as complicated as validating your needs and giving yourself the love and attention that was missing from your younger years. Either way, we all have an inner child that needs to be healed in some capacity. I always say trauma is a spectrum and the only way you will be able to heal that part of you is to become self aware.

This was just a small snippet but I hope you felt my heart. This book has been dormant in my soul for the past 5 years and I now feel like its time for it to be brought to the light. (A bit like how I did through my healing journey).

Please do tell me your thoughts or insights here.

If this is the first time you have come across me and would like to deepen your journey of self discovery I have a Free workshop Become The Iconic Leader (of your life).

I hope through reading a snippet of my journey you can see that even though the journey maybe painful it leads to beautiful spaces if you give yourself the permission to feel, heal and own your power.

For guidance and support in your own healing journey click here.

Love and light,


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