Ladies are you ready to Step into a new era of your life?

The September Setup: For Women Who are ready to Revolutionise Their Life to Live Life by Their Rules!

Are you ready to:

  • Redefine success so you feel fulfilled on a daily basis

  • Embrace change so you can become the version of yourself you’ve been dreaming to be (you are not a tree, you can move girl!)

  • Start achieving the goals you set for yourself so your dream life becomes your reality!!

Ladies! Do you feel like although this year has gone well ... you haven’t quite achieved everything you had planned to this first half of the year?

You have ticked off a few goals on your list so far but you cant quite master staying consistent because theres always something else to do!

You’ve definitely manifested a few things but you don’t quite know how to repeat it?

If the answer is yes: You are in right place!  

What if you were able to manifest quicker?

What if you were able to achieve your aspirations just like placing an order on ASOS you know your order is coming in to you but instead of waiting 3-5 working days, its next day delivery every time babyyyy!

What if life started to feel richer because you started prioritising joy everyday even in the small moments!

What if you created a fail proof plan so achievable that sticking to your goals and meeting them was the new normal!

Abundance is your Birthright!!

This is YOUR sign!

Well guess what! You are in the right place! You have found my masterclass guaranteed to give you my number #1 tool to upgrade your life so you can become a magnet to your desires and more!

In just 60 transformative minutes, you'll discover:

✨ The #1 shift you need to make to effortlessly stay committed to your personal development (without feeling overwhelmed or guilty!)

✨ My proven 4 step formular for releasing limiting beliefs and creating unshakeable self-worth

✨ My tried and tested technique to creating consistency in your life the divine feminine way!

✨ How to rewire your subconscious mind to manifest your deepest desires with ease

✨ A powerful guided visualisation to activate your mind, body, and soul for lasting transformation.





In this masterclass I will be giving you one of my most valuable techniques which you can use to start to manifest strait away! Along with practices that will uplevel and elevate your life, I’m talking indestructible boundaries, fierce self worth! 

This is how I teach my clients to work with their limiting beliefs and how to reprogram the subconscious mind to work in your favour and stay consistent! 

What you will learn:

How to reframe your limiting beliefs; releasing the thoughts that no longer serve you and replacing them with powerful ones that set you up for success!

My fail proof accountability practice that ensure you stay consistent and actually achieve your goals

How to start implementing boundaries meaning you prioritise when and what you give your energy to - Say goodbye to leaky bucket energy and hello to having more time and energy for yourself!

You are in the right place if :

✨You are ready to achieve the big bold goals and dreams that you know you deserve

✨You are ready for consistency and stability in your life allowing you to surrender into a life of vibrancy, joy and excitement! Say goodbye to grey and mundane and hello instant manifestations and incredible opportunities at your finger tips!

✨You are ready to trust yourself 1000% and co create with the universe to create life on your terms with your rules.

Its time for a revolution!

When my client came to me she was in a loop of self sabotage. She would allow herself to be free and go for the things she wanted but then her limiting beliefs would get in her way. We worked together in healing her inner child, allowing her to reprogram her subconscious mind and detach and release the thoughts that weren’t hers. Since working together she has gone on to achieve huge success in her career including TV and film and she recently got married to her incredibly supportive partner!

When my client joined me she struggled with staying motivated and navigating her emotions. She had experienced the loss of a loved one a few years prior and the weight of grief and responsibility where acting as obstacles from her moving forward and creating the life she desired and deserved.

Working together we forged a tool kit of practices that allowed her to release her emotions, tighten her boundaries and in turn achieve her goals. She now follows her passion in dance and even teaches her own classes which was a dream for her a year ago.

The vibrant, shining life of your dreams is just a click away!

Hi I’m Sherisse!

I have been a professional Dancer and Dance Teacher for the past 11 years. My title Inner power Activation Leader + Intuitive Healer came to light when I began my own healing journey 4 years ago.

Just like a rock becoming a diamond, my life journey has been filled with hardships, childhood trauma, bereavement, racism, sexism and sometimes all at once, but with all that being said, I never let any of the obstacle in my pathway define me!

My story is one of alchemy I have turned my pain into power and I have always chosen to shine, I can absolutely show you how!

Throughout my life whether it be teaching dance, public speaking, leading a workshop or with a 1:1 client I create safe spaces for you to feel safe, seen, heard and understood!

I unlock your inner power and give you the permission to shine!

I look forward to connecting with you soon! xx