•Inner Power Activation Leader + Intuitive Healer•

•Women and Girls•

•Leader • Mentor • Speaker • Dancer •

‘A solutions based approach to mental health and well-being’

Sherisse’s mission is to guide people out of the darkness and into their own light. Sherisse has curated innovate, holistic and actionable ways to significantly improve mental health well being and authentic lasting Empowerment.


A world where everyone prioritises their own mental health and loves themselves fully, a world where suicide is no longer one of the biggest killers of humanity. A world where everyone pours from a full cup respects each other fully and continues to shine their lights on one another.


To inspire 1 billion people to believe in themselves, specifically women and girls. To give people the tools to find their way out of their own darkness so they can step fully into their own light and shine unapologetically.

Book Sherisse

Book Sherisse

“Its not what happened to you but what you choose to do with what happened to you that defines you”. - Sherisse x

For the past 11 years Sherisse has followed her passion as a professional dancer travelling the world, performing on stage and in music videos. Her largest credit, a dancer in the latest Marvel film Eternals and the Queens Royal Jubilee celebrations for ITV.

Parallel to performing, Sherisse has had the pleasure of passing on her passion and experiences through teaching for various companies and institutions such as The Brit School and weekly classes at Pineapple Dance Studios London.

Alongside the knowledge she has accumulated through her education and her lived experiences (childhood trauma and healing journey), Sherisse aims to empower every person she meets into believing in themselves and standing in their power. “It’s time to unlearn outdated systemic societal narratives we’ve been taught and become the lead characters of our own stories”. - Sherisse


Through her lived experiences, years of teaching and education Sherisse fully understands human behaviour and individuality. Sherisse has a nurturing kind heart which ensures all her clients feel seen heard and understood, that, combined with her firey energy will help you to achieve your goals dreams and ambitions. “You are brave, you are strong, you are powerful, you are enough and you are worthy of your dreams”. - Sherisse.

“You are the only you there is and that is your superpower!”

“ it means so much to have someone to support me that knows exactly what I am going through, encouraging me to keep going. Thank you!”


“You really have a gift for seeing deeply into my mind and making everything make sense”

-Ella A

“I honestly can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me! I absolutely love your lessons. All the routines, the music. Thank you so much for making me believe in myself and giving me the confidence to dance on my own and really go for it! It really means so much, you’re truly an inspiration”


Permission to Shine the Podcast with Sherisse Bisram

Inner Power Activation Leader Sherisse Bisram shares her knowledge and experiences of overcoming childhood trauma, limiting beliefs and societal expectations. And how she rebuilt herself on a foundation of self worth, self acceptance and self love shaping her into the empowered woman she is today. Each week Sherisse will either be sharing tips and tools of her own and or joined by special guest sharing their wisdom. You are brave, powerful, worthy, enough. “Hear my call and give yourself the permission to shine!!” - Sherisse x

Get in touch.

“I’d love to hear from you!
Leave your details below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!” - Sherisse.